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Wysłany: Czw 3:23, 20 Sty 2011 Temat postu: 优雅发型 散 |
优雅发型 散发女人味
歪置的大波浪长卷发x毛绒花朵发饰:具有古典东方气质的长发配合西式公主感觉的大波浪卷曲修饰,将头发搭到一侧肩前,延续东方复古的含蓄和柔美妩媚感,让你化身韩剧 大家闺秀 系女主角,ghd iv。
栗子黄大波浪中长卷发x巧克力色针织帽:在寒冷的冬日,偏黄色系的发色能带来暖暖的温情,很受宠。从发尾1/3处开始的不规则方向大波浪中长卷发,能让栗子黄色染发自然呈现出深浅不一的效果来,不需要再增加挑染,就已经能很有层次感了哦,pink ghd limited edition!
金色系螺旋S卷发x蝴蝶结名媛系发箍:让你变身韩剧名媛系女主角的最佳发型——带有贵族气息的巧克力色浅金色挑染x复古的发尾垂直螺旋S造型卷发,rare ghd,立刻带出芭比公主气息,搭配名苑气息的低调奢华暗色发箍,ghd colour collection,复古的蝴蝶结样式最完美,blue ghd straightener。
齐刘海丸子头x蕾丝蝴蝶结发箍:丸子头在日本常常用来扮俏皮扮可爱,而在韩剧中,则更多是被用在宴会和约会较为正式的场合中,ghd purple straighteners。比如搭配顺滑光泽长齐刘海的丸子头,加上华丽感的蕾丝蝴蝶结发箍点缀,hair straighteners,就立刻成为一款2分钟就能DIY却绝对高贵优雅的宴会发型。
小波浪Z型卷高扎马尾x蓬松顶发:韩剧中不乏强势的御女型角色,如果你喜欢这样风格的小强女人造型,leopard ghd,可以尝试这款很有气势感的发型——高扎的马尾干净利落,ghd mk4 black,增加头发的小波浪Z型或S型卷曲,让马尾更丰盈时尚。
straightening iron IV Styler Technical Features:
Advance Ceramic Heaters: ghd Styler 4 comes with ultimate surface for the static free sheen
New Rounder Barrel: For perfect curl,ghd straightener, waves or flicks,ghd outlet, as well as the perfect straight, the rounder barrel of ghd Styler 4 gives you ultimate control. Its so easy to create waves, curls and flicks that your friend'll never need the same look twice.
Unique digital technology: Improved temperature control for even better styling, feel more confident with ghd Styler 4.
Shiver mode: Internal condensation can damage beauty stylers. So when the room temperature is below 8deg.C, your friendr ghd beauty styler will shut down to protect itself until the temperature rises again.
Swivel cord attachmens stylest: Swivel cord attachment of ghd Styler Mark 4 helps stop the cord from becoming twisted.
Floating Plates: Floating plates in ghd ensures even pressure distribution.
Create the Goddess styles for yourself with ghd mark 4 styler and be as well groomed as you are well versed. You also can even curl with it. Do whatever you want with this handy styler. You can choose the new this year pink ghd, ghd new colours collection, precious ghd, purple ghd,dark ghd, pure or dark limited edition, or black,cheap ghd styler, hot pink, kiss pink, gold,mens ghd, even or the "rare" which comes in a leopard print case.
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