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PostWysłany: Pon 13:48, 24 Sty 2011    Temat postu: marlboro cigarettes wholesale

Still, this is the second time Altria has clashed with federal regulators in recent months. In March it challenged the membership of an FDA tobacco science panel studying the health risks of menthol cigarettes,marlboro cigarettes supplier, which account for more than a quarter of U.S. cigarette shipments. If the panel deems that menthol increases the risk for smokers, the FDA could ban such cigarettes.
On Mar. 22,marlboro gold, Altria sent the FDA a 16-page letter requesting the removal of four members of the 12-person panel. The company noted that the four had testified in more than 90 legal cases against the tobacco industry and said that as paid expert witnesses they had “grave financial conflicts and intellectual bias.” One of the panelists,newport 100s cigarettes, Gregory N. Connolly,marlboro cigarettes, a tobacco specialist at the Harvard School of Public Health, contends he hasn’t been an expert witness in five years and that his research makes him uniquely qualified for the panel. “I take umbrage at Altria’s challenge,” he says. The three other panelists cited in Altria’s letter did not return calls seeking comment. The FDA rejected Altria’s request to have the four removed.
An estimated 14 million people in the EU27 suffer from the six (1) main disease categories that are associated with smoking, i.e.
Approximately 650 000 EU citizens die prematurely every year because of tobacco.
Smoking affects non-smokers too. According to conservative estimates,wholesale newport cigarettes, 79 000 adults,wholesale marlboro cigarettes, including 19 000 non-smokers, died in the EU-25 in 2002 because they were exposed to tobacco smoke at home (72 000) and at in their workplace (7 300). It can be assumed that the magnitude of the problem has not changed remarkably during the last years.marlboro cigarettes.
What is the EU role in tobacco control at international level?
The EU plays an active role in tobacco control at international level. It was a driving force for the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) which entered into force on 27 February 2005.
The EU is a full Party to the Convention since June 2005, as are 26 of its Member States (all but the Czech Republic).
The implementation of the Convention is a political and legal commitment for its Parties.
The first legally binding protocol under the Convention concerns the illicit trade in tobacco products and is in the final stages of negotiation.
In addition to the Convention itself, guidelines have been developed to facilitate and guide the implementation process. Such guidelines exist for tobacco product labelling, advertising,cheap marlboro cigarettes wholesale, smoke free environments and protection of public health policies from the interests of tobacco industry.
Currently guidelines are being finalised on tobacco ingredients and their disclosure,wholesale marlboro cigarettes online store, on cessation and on awareness raising and education. They are expected to be adopted by the fourth conference of the Parties in November 2010.

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