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PostWysłany: Pią 8:38, 11 Lut 2011    Temat postu: wholesale marlboro cigarettes website

One other significant regulatory action by the FDA is the requirement that new text health warnings accompanied by graphic pictures be printed on the top half of the front and back of cigarette packages. The FDA law requires that nine new text health warnings appear on a rotating basis on cigarette packages. These new text warnings will replace the current Surgeon General’s health warnings that appear on cigarette packages.
The wording for each of the nine new warnings is as follows: WARNING: Cigarettes are addictive WARNING: Cigarettes cause cancer WARNING: Tobacco smoke can harm your children WARNING: Cigarettes cause fatal lung disease WARNING: Cigarettes cause strokes and heart disease WARNING: Smoking during pregnancy can harm your baby WARNING: Smoking can kill you WARNING: Tobacco smoke causes fatal lung disease in nonsmokers WARNING: Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health Each of these new text warning labels will need to be accompanied by a pictorial health warning that shows the health consequences of smoking.
The FDA has proposed 36 different color graphic health warning pictures,newport 100s cigarettes, and will select nine of the 36 pictures to print on cigarette packages. Jordan Green wanted to help people with Lou Gerhig’s disease. Michelle Hughes wanted to help babies with hearing disorders. Vimla and Hamid Band wanted to help other scientists study cancer stem cells in leukemia.
These and other scientists are pursuing their medical research in Nebraska because of a program that, over the past nine years, has generated nearly $1 billion in funding,marlboro cigarettes website,cheap marlboro cigarettes supplier, according to a new economic study released Wednesday. Since 2002, medical researchers have turned $106 million from a court settlement with tobacco companies into $959 million in health research funding,cheap marlboro cigarettes online supplier,marlboro cigarettes, the study found. Using the settlement as seed money,newport cigarettes website,cheap marlboro lights cigarettes, the scientists obtained an additional $853 million from other sources — more than $8 for every dollar from the tobacco money.
The funding supports nearly 1,marlboro cigarettes supplier,800 jobs, the study showed, and as it rippled through the state’s economy over the nine years had an economic impact of $2.2 billion and generated $98 million in state and local tax revenue. State agencies that are funded out of Alabama’s General Fund budget are hurting, and that means the services provided by those agencies — including Medicaid and the state’s program that provides health insurance for children living in poverty — soon could be hurting as well.
But there is a way to avoid some of the worst effects of those budget problems without dramatically affecting the state’s economy and while making the state much healthier over time — by raising the state’s taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products. The need is real. “It’s the most catastrophic budgetary time in the General Fund we’ve ever had in Alabama,” Gov. Robert Bentley said Friday.

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