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Wysłany: Sob 9:50, 19 Lut 2011 Temat postu: tip Why God Exists From a Scientific Point of View |
I learned that religions offered stories about God that were probably written by man to make a best effort to depict God throughout history and realize reciprocal goals. Some of these goals comprised overthrowing the Romans, educating people morality and ethics, using religion to cultivate power over the masses, starting divine battles and influencing the politics of earlier times. As societies learned and changed, old religions were replaced or evolved to encounter the needs of the people. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that?any religion that did not adapt to the changing needs of society, and what we know to be true about the universe, would eventually be replaced by man's search for a better fit as he reaches a more complete understanding of the universe. After all, new religions are created daily that have puny distinctions in their beliefs. Christianity itself has literally hundreds of unique sects that have slightly different beliefs about God, the Bible and Jesus. Even the beliefs of Christians alter significantly from human to human.
I think the most invaluable things I educated from giving myself an eminent training are keeping an open mind, understanding how personal prejudice effects our decision production, and tolerance and acceptance for the beliefs of others. Realistically, we are all probably wrong to a definite extent, merely we can go together to ascertain the truth. Almost everyone has someone valuable to offer at all times they are lenient and open to understanding the beliefs of others. I?also learned that no religion?presented any significant?proof of the existence of God, so I cornered to science to detect the question to my answer.
Although it is not the traditional edition of heaven and hell, the choices we make and how society reacts to us influences the quality of our lives and the people in our lives. This is why suffering takes location,for sale supra, and where the closest thing that resembles hell actually exists. There is no real demon; there are only the evil acts of mankind toward other human beings.
The next thing to consider is God’s impact on our lives, which I call the Theory of Appreciation and Manifestation. Why doesn’t God stop things like genocide, rape, undergoing and murder? Why does God ignore us in our time of need and not change things when we pray for something better? Well the answer is uncomplicated. God only interacts with people that show gratitude. Otherwise, God just observes us and makes no exertion to affect anything. This may sound stupid, but it actually works. First, I saw appreciation work for my new friends and their family, a pair days after I saw Opera by chance and an audience of successful women talking about declaration through appreciation, then I gave it a shot and my life started to change swiftly like night and day. The interesting thing is that I didn’t do anything different.
After all,exciting gizmos and gadgets at electronicsNgadgets._157, if I’m successful in commerce,spyder sweater Top astrology sites_3243, then I can afford to hire all the Nobel Laureates I absence to crumple numbers for me and work on my science projects. Instead, I get to be the ingenious, common sense guy that solves problems like the truth that the neutron has the accurate heaviness and charge as a proton and an electron combined, but all the nerds on the planet who spent 8 annuals of their lives in school couldn’t diagram out that a neutron was just a proton and an electron stuck together. Sad, but true; I don’t mean any disrespect to people with more prim education in science, but this just shows us that the real value of an education are not the facts and figures we cram in our heads, but our ability to think critically, solve problems and be creative. I'm not trying to impress you or stroke my own self by saying this, but?the articles I've written about physics shock people, because they are completely unique and increase value to our understanding of the universe.?
I'm also beautiful unique. I not only studied religion; I also studied science to the existent that I know as many as anyone?with a Doctorate would know about the conceptual side of physics and how the universe works. That doesn’t mean I’m a numbers guy all butmebody that writes things on a chalkboard all day, but I can prop an smart conversation with anyone about physics without making myself see like an uneducated idiot. I was a numbers, pastel embark guy at one point in college, but I decided to start using common sense to understand the universe I live in. This happened when the Nobel Laureate I worked for explained to me that people with PhD’s in Physics who work at NASA don’t make much; he also said they are typically close minded because they spent most of their life cramming so many facts and numbers into their heads that they have a hard time coming up with anything new on their own. That didn’t beg to me with my big goals to aid mankind. I also didn’t want to convert the world’s biggest nerd.
There were so numerous periods I’ve been phoned a genius at institute instructors that you would muse I’m the next Einstein alternatively Steven Hawking. I'm too an of the few human on the Earth that could have one intellectually challenging chat?with both of them, when talking about mutual sense things in science that aren't understood by anybody - unless they've peruse my articles aboard physics. So I have a matchless comprehending of either sides. I've been an agnostic scientist, and immediately I’m a believer that’s still a scientist. I no longer have anybody mistrust that God exists, because I have a agreeable cause. If you’re amused in studying why, keep on reading and share this with your kin and near friends.
Growing up my mom and father didn't truly speak?to me about religion. They thought I should have the alternative to learn and decide on my own what to deem. Today my dad says things favor “I'm praying because you” and “bless you” always the time. Initially,cheap supra, I took it like he was attempting to compel his religious beliefs on me and thought I’m praying for you averaged I compassion you, which annoyed me because I was quite successful and wanted his permission. I also felt I had a entire cluster of sound scientific reasons why religion was a cluster of manmade fiction. Now I take what my dad says for a form of affectionate like saying I adore you; and my thoughts have changed, because I have a valid reason to deem that God exists. My premier real talks about religion occurred while I was about 12,?because my grandfather?liked to discussion everything from politics to religion. He's a actually natty fellow, so I heard to what he said and became interested in?learning more about religion in mandate to make an taught determination one path or the additional. I not took the things he said for face amount, because I really wanted to know the real fact.
Religion should also never refute with science and ecology. It should accustom to our understanding of nature and the universe we live in. Evolution is no longer just someone’s idea; it’s a fact now thatwe understand how DNA changed over time, and it was God’s plan to build life and watch it evolve consist in .... The Earth and the Universe are much older than the Bible says, and God did not make things happen in a week. God is also not one being; it’s a?community of advanced beings who are a lot further along than we are.
With enough time almost everything is possible. We may even figure out how to alteration physics or discover that everything is the way it is for a reason, and variant civilization that’s a lot further ahead of us made it that way so we could exist. With infinite time and space among a finite universe, the chance of one culture being forward of us so many that they eligible our notion of god is a algebraic assurance. That manner there is no doubt that god hardly evermething similar really exists,2022 supra, and we are not lonely in the multiverse. Read the article Infinite Time & Space within a Finite Universe if you want to know what it is and why I use the term multiverse.
From a common sense point of outlook, there are also just also many coincidences in nature to believe that god know next to nothing ofmething similar does not exist. Take the water molecule as an example. If it was just a mini bit another, life as we know it would not be impossible. The properties of water are accurate the way it should be for causative, and that reason is to create life. We may just be some super being’s science project, but we have the same chance to evolve and fill God’s footsteps as any other intelligent marathon. Another question is why doesn’t God mediate when horrible deeds of tyranny are by and by happen to innocent people?
The first thing I want to mention is the Theory of Infinite Complexity, which states with enough time, humans ambition evolve their understanding and leadership of the universe until they seem to be Gods. Let’s start by thinking what our caveman predecessors would think of modern male with all his understand and gadgets. To them he would be some type of God to be adored for his mastery of blaze and his ability to buffet down supper or a hazardous beast by shooting thunder at it with a mallet. He might even show up with a Hummer, a laptop, DVDs, an iPod, and any digit of things that would seem to be sorcery. You get the motif, right?
Why God Exists From a Scientific Point of View and Self Evolution?
Before working into a debate about the existence of God, I want you to understand how I was heaved. I grew up in a Christian family. My dad is a part-time priest and my mom is spiritual,?but not religious. My grandfather is an in-your-face atheist,Asics Ultimate 82, and my grandmother is a committed Christian. Anyway, we forever celebrated Christmas and all the other Christian holidays mostly because its fun to celebrate the vacations, the kids love it, and it gave the family causative to come together. I’ve been agnostic for most of my life, which means I believed there was most promising a God. However, I couldn’t be 100% certain, because I had no utter proof to warrant a reasonable decision. I was never an atheist, which means you are certain there is no God. I’ve never really liked extremists whether they were atheists or religious extremists, because they appear very closed minded and judgmental; and they often allow their biases to distort their perception of reality to support their artificial beliefs even when the evidence in front of them is clearly not in their prefer.
Now here comes the portion that the most people will differ with initially, because they don’t keep up on breakthroughs in science and the potential of technology. Already we know how to control the stream of time and bend space based on Einstein’s work decades antecedent, and today we have no-brainer ideas to actually do it. We?also have the basic idea to build a quantum computer based on amount nagging, which would be competent to enumerate anything directly. We can even use the same breakthrough to establish transmitters and receivers that communicate directly with anyone or anything in the universe, no stuff how distant away they are. Instantly means faster than the speed of light, which is something that even Einstein didn’t think was possible. If you have doubts, look up quantum computer and quantum entanglement on Wikipedia.
We are all the sons and daughters of God. Messiahs and prophets are just the spearheads of religion, and most of them were either schizophrenic or making a personal mash for the greater good of their people. Religion is clearly a manmade tradition that helps people, but it also fills our heads with a lot of false information that holds behind understanding and technology. Even if the Bible and other texts are partially fiction, they still have a tremendous value to society, because they are a source of history that was designed to help people live better lives.
These things and new discoveries in the hereafter may lead man to think the same thing that our caveman ancestors would think of us today. People in the future will have resources and abilities that no mediocre human being today could possess. With the link among man and machine,mens peak coat, verbal communication will become a thing of the quondam and mankind may start to think like a single evolving being over time made up of millions and possibly billions of minds working together. Essentially, we are evolving into God or a community of beings with the ability to reshape the universe any way we want at will. The real question is does God exist today?
Students by Stanford even found a way to link nerves like the one’s in your brain instantly to a microcomputer. That means we can communicate directly with a calculator just by preoccupied. We’re also charting and mastering how to rewrite our own genes to exclude genetic diseases and improve on our own genetic blue prints. There are also many exciting breakthroughs in stem compartment research that could someday lead to close immortality and organ regeneration. Nanotechnology is also a very promising field that has prodigious medicinal applications. With man’s ability to communicate with a microprocessor just by analytic and nanites in their body, he or she could change their body just by thinking. I’m not just talking about arrival; I mean everything, from the structure of our DNA to what our rind and bones are made out of to the architecture of our brains, which is the concept back Self Evolution.
I also thought very critically about whether there is a paradise or a hell and whether Jesus, Buddha, or any number of prophets and messiahs actually had anything to do with the real God. My thought is that we are like pets to God. If God doesn’t want us to cease to exist, then one of them will preserve our consciousness or our psyche (mind). This is accessible accomplished by super beings by transferring our feeling to a new set of hardware, so they can continue to scrutinize us. People that don’t show appreciation and earn favor just dead, and there is no afterlife for them. There is also no guarantee that appreciation by itself will be enough to ensure an afterlife, and people who show an excessive or irrational appreciation for God are not extremely regarded. There is also no substantial hell with fire and brimstone or anything supernatural.
So I?read the New Testament, the?Old Testament, the I-Ching,?and?most of?the other?important and antique religions. I even lived in Israel for a while to watch all the sights,?met the Pope,Tods,?talked to the Dali Lama through email and listened to the preaching’s of every major religion from different speakers. The ones that impressed me the most weren’t trying to move their religious beliefs, and they did not act like fanatics who spoke in tongues, talked about beating people up, discriminating against the non-believers or innocent people going to perdition because they weren’t sure what to believe. Instead they accustom the educations of their religion to help people and improve the lives of the fanatics, their community, their marriages, their families and their friendships. The ones I really listened to weren’t pedaled by money or getting their followers to believe in marvels; they were helping their followers create muscular, happy families and dodge common problems that influence our personal lives and our careers. They did this by using stories and the teachings of their religion to draw the picture, influence people, and help them amplify into good inhabitants. They were trying to create a better earth by leading people with their centers and their minds, and there was a good reason for everything they said. I think that having faith and loving anything or anyone is a commitment. We shouldn’t be expected to commit to somebody blindly or have belief in something we cannot testify. That’s why I’m manuscript this today. |