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PostWysłany: Czw 5:34, 10 Mar 2011    Temat postu: Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company

The name Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company can be met during the 1812 post-war period. This cigarette producer is result of unification between George Smith Myers of Missouri tobacco companies and Christopher’s company,cheap newport cigarettes online013, known as “J. E. Liggett and Brother”. So,buy newport cigarettes online, in 1873 was born a new cigarette company called “Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company”.
After on year of activity,newport 100s cigarettes,newport menthol cigarettes, Liggett & Myers Cigarette Company grows to the status of world leader in producing of plug chewing tobacco.
Beginning with 1912,new port cigarettes, tobacco in form of cigarette registered big requisition among smokers of that time. So, the manufacturer enlarged the amount of produced cigarettes. Among L&M’s famous cigarettes brands were: Crimps, Sledge, Music, Book, Good Form, Tent, and Long Voyage.
An important thing that must be mentioned in exploring the Liggett & Myers past is the repeatedly change of the company name. In 1968, the cigarette company was called Liggett & Myers Incorporated. In 1976, it changed again the name in Liggett Group Inc,newports cigarette,cheap newport cigarettes online016, with Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company as a division. In 1983 it becomes the property of Grand Met USA and the official name became Liggett Group Inc.
Significant period for Liggett Group Inc was 1995-96, than the famous cigarette brands L&M, Chesterfield and Lark became propriety of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

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