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PostWysłany: Sob 22:03, 26 Mar 2011    Temat postu: best newport cigarettes website090

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The prison grapevine was incredible. The prisoners knew everything that was going to happen long before it occurred. Inmates known as garbage rats picked up discarded memos, eavesdropped on phone calls, and read the warden's mail,discount newport cigarettes, and all information was carefully digested and sent around to the inmates who were important. Ernestine Littlechap was at the head of the list. Tracy was aware of how the guards and prisoners deferred to Ernestine. Since the other inmates had decided that Ernestine had become Tracy's protector, she was left strictly alone. Tracy waited warily for Ernestine to make advances toward her, but the big black kept her distance. Why? Tracy wondered.
Rule number 7 in the official ten-page pamphlet issued to new prisoners read, "Any form of sex is strictly forbidden. There will be no more than four inmates to a cell. Not more than one prisoner shall be permitted to be on a bunk at one time."
The reality was so startlingly different that the prisoners referred to the pamphlet as the prison joke book. As the weeks went by, Tracy watched new prisoners--- fish--- enter the prison every day,cheap newport 100s cigarettes, and the pattern was always the same. First offenders who were sexually normal never had a chance. They came in timid and frightened,newport cigarettes, and the bull-dykes were there,best newport cigarettes website090, waiting. The drama was enacted in planned stages. In a terrifying and hostile world,best newport cigarettes website092, the bull-dyke was friendly and sympathetic. She would invite her victim to the recreation hall, where they would watch television together,newport cigarettes online,best newport cigarettes website092, and when the bull-dyke held her hand, the new prisoner would allow it, afraid of offending her only friend. The new prisoner quickly noticed that the other inmates left her alone, and as her dependence on the bull-dyke grew, so did the intimacies, until finally, she was willing to do anything to hold onto her only friend.

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