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PostWysłany: Pią 19:14, 15 Kwi 2011    Temat postu: 7名男子排&#29677

7名男子排班轮流照顾病重师兄 曾一同习武30年
  40多年前,一群武术爱好者一起习武切磋技艺,结下了深厚友谊,asics onitsuka tiger shoes;40多年后,年事已高的大师兄突患重病倒下,无人照料,asics shoes。7名师弟主动承担起照顾师兄的责任,asics shoes Australia,他们排班轮流值日,促销员用会员预付款购买笔记本电脑 sport shoes,令左邻右舍都十分感动,asics shoes 2011
  这两名男子分别叫潘汉桥、王长礼。朱昌明挣扎着欠起身子说:“多亏了他们几个师弟轮流照顾我,否则我一天都难得过下去。”据潘汉桥介绍:朱昌明年轻时爱好武术,从1972年开始,他师从黄诚奇师父学习洪拳,潘汉桥、汪汉生、王长礼、吕健中、熊腊生、吴昌寿、潘国友等7人不久也慕名前往。大家志同道合,便以师兄师弟相称,asics tiger shoes sale
  今年年初,一向身体很好的朱昌明突然出现吐血,经医院检查,朱昌明患上了肺癌,加上20多年前他尾椎摔伤的旧疾复发,asics tiger mexico 66,75岁的朱昌明一下子倒了下来。
  大师兄身边不能没有人照顾啊。他们7个人中,汪汉生有69岁了,最小的熊腊生也有50岁,尽管各人都有自己的家事或工作,但7人都表示:大师兄一向为人仗义,tiger shoes outlet,现在孤苦无依,他们无论如何要帮大师兄渡过难关。7个人一商量,决定排班轮流照顾大师兄。他们有的放下自己的生意,cheap Mexico 66,有的从工作单位请假,依次排班轮流照顾。住得近的多值两天班,住得远的只要有时间一定会过来看看。在医院里,tiger shoes,别的老人都有护工照顾,但朱师傅一直是由这几个师兄弟轮流守护。
In our daily life,Asics Mexico 66 Baja,we have touched many kinds of running shoes. However,we are still tired and cheesed to find a shoe which can make us satisfied. Asics running shoes have a high reputation in the world now. They are not only well known for the best quality,Onitsuka Tiger 2011,but also become famous by their unique design.Onitsuka Tiger became Asics Tiger in 1964. After the famous Olympic Game,Asics running shoes were accepted by more and more people. Their light weight and special design are the biggest characters for Asics running shoes. The former advantage for the tiger shoe will make runner feel relax during running. And the other character is unique symbol. As many customers opinions,Onitsuka Tiger shoes become the world-renowned shoes because of their distinctive interesting lines and exciting range of colors. Nowadays,Asics Ultimate 81, the Asics shoes have got the best comment all over the world.

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